ARACHIM 8 - Connections & Creations

London, UK
May 21st - 23rd, 2017
“Teachers open our eyes to the world. They give us curiosity and confidence. They teach us to ask questions. They connect us to our past and future. They’re the guardians of our social heritage. We have lots of heroes today – sportsmen, supermodels, media personalities. They come, they have their fifteen minutes of fame, and they go. But the influence of good teachers stays with us. They are the people who really shape our life.”
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
How to create a system where collaboration among peers is natural and easy? How to connect with others, with our schools in general ? with the outside society? This was one of the key issues discussed in the last edition of Arachim Conference, which gathered in London. Participants were able to create a vibrant community of Educators for 3 days and in doing so, raised questions about how to include our students, parents and school system in a more involved and constant dialogue. The conference included special visits to different educational organisations based in London, which enabled international participants get a deeper idea on how the system works in the UK and the different kinds of schools existent in the city.
Over 75 Jewish school Principals and educators from 20 different countries gathered in London at the Eight Arachim conference.
This has now become the most significant cross denominational gathering of European Jewish formal educators.
Some communities use this opportunity not just to make informal connections but to ensure in advance that Arachim can help them build a formal training programme for their key Jewish education professionals.
Click here to download the programme
of the seminar
A seminar addressed to Jewish Schools & KIndergarten professionals
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