Efficient Governance for Jewish Schools

Governance is about the establishment of policies and
the continuous monitoring of their proper implementation, by the members
of the governing body of an organization.
A new seminar to discuss the different models of governance for Jewish Schools
Across Europe, different Jewish schools have different types of governance.
From direct full management of the school, passing through school representation in the local community Board or Community Volunteers in charge of the portfolio of education with implication in the school, we can find different models which have a direct implication with the vision and goal of the school.
Is the responsibility of the school to provide continuity to the local Jewish Community?
Is the role of the Community to manage directly the local Jewish School?
What is the key to the success of the Jewish School?
Who sets the Vision and Mission of the School? Is it the local Community? The principal and academic body of the School? The parents of the students?
Can it be a mixed group of these stakeholders?
Who designs and manage the finances of the school? Who is responsible to guarantee sustainability of the establishment?
Many questions, many answers.
Goals of the Seminar:
In this seminar we are going to learn the challenges and benefits from the different models of governance present in Jewish Schools in Europe.
We will
- identify the various bodies which have a part to play in the governance of a school.
- see what, how and who with they relate to the rest of the stakeholders.
- see how governance is done through a coalition of interests working together, but performing different functions, all aimed at enabling the school to operate and achieve its aims and objectives and who is guiding and setting the goals.
- explore what could be more convenient for the different schools that will take part.
- work on how to enhance the own model of governance.
- take concrete steps forward.
- define the roles and boundaries.
The Seminar:
The seminar is addressed to Presidents of Jewish Communities, Community Board Members in charge of Education or Schools, School Principals and Parents involved in their local Jewish School.
We expect to welcome teams from each school composed by lay leaders and professionals.
Draft Programme
Sunday 1st December
12.00 - Registration Opens
13.00 - Welcome & Presentations
14.00 - What is Governance? Introduction to the concept
14.45 - Presentation of a School case study – Particular Governance.
What are the benefits and challenges of this model?
15.30 - Presentation of a 2nd School case study – Particular Governance.
What are the benefits and challenges of this model?
16.15 - Presentation of a 3rd School case study – Particular Governance.
What are the benefits and challenges of this model?
17.00 - Wrap up by facilitators on the three different models and concepts applied on each case study
17.30 - Coffee Break
17.45 - Working in small groups to discuss the case studies with facilitators.
What we have learnt?
What we see as main challenges?
What is different and similar to my reality?
18.45 - Conclusions
Presentations of each group to summarize the group discussions
20.00 - Dinner
Monday 2nd December
9.00-18.00 Training on Governance
From building a school to governing a school – moving from being operational to being strategic
The purpose of the session is for governors to develop their understanding of the governing body role and responsibilities and governance best practice by:
• Setting the current context for governance
• Detailing specific responsibilities and freedoms
• Looking at what it means to be strategic and to ensure robust accountability
• What you need to know to know your school
Knowing your school – the data and beyond: what governors need to know to be able to hold their school to account
• The sixth element of effective governance
• The data: retrospective, current and future
• Information to support other Key Performance Indicators
• Trusted sources
From Vision to Implementation
Every governor has a vision and desire to improve their school. However, translating this vision into implementation is often a very frustrating process. This session will consider the strategic priorities governors have for schools, explore the challenges facing their implementation and how to best overcome these challenges.
18.45 - Departure to Walking tour of Ghetto of Rome
20.30 - Dinner
Tuesday 3rd December
8.30 - Departure to visit local Jewish School
9.00 - Visit to the Jewish school
9.45 - Introduction to the skills production workshops by groups
10.30 - Producing a concrete and realistic action plan for their schools.
12.30 - Lunch and wrap up.
Registration Fees
€ 300
2 nights stay in Hotel
2 meals / day
Access to all sessions
Cancellation Policy
In the event that you cancel your booking/order, cancellation fees will be charged as detailed below.
All cancellations must be confirmed to us in writing at registrations@ecjc.org and you will receive a written acknowledgement.
We will process then a refund of the amount paid
discounting the fee according the date

Rabbi David Meyer
Rabbi David Meyer has been the Executive Director of PaJeS since 2015, a post which utilises over three decades of experience in education.
During his three years at PaJeS he has revolutionised the way that Jewish schools interact with and support each other. Under his leadership the organisation has committed itself to excellence, innovation and collaboration in Jewish schools. In particular he focuses on areas of strategic development, teaching and learning, and school services to achieve these aims.
Rabbi Meyer has previously held leadership positions including Executive Headteacher of Hasmonean High School and Executive Director of the Jewish Association for Business Ethics. Under his leadership Hasmonean achieved Outstanding in every category in both Ofsted and Pikuach.
Rabbi Meyer is also a highly acclaimed public speaker and has been invited to present at conferences across the UK as well as in Israel, USA, Europe and Australia.
Susy Stone, MA
Susy Stone is the retired headteacher of Akiva School; she previously led a non-Jewish school, serving as a headteacher for eighteen years in total.
In June 2018 Akiva was judged Good by the UK Schools' Inspection Service, Ofsted and Outstanding by the Jewish Inspection Service Pikuach, who particularly noted the school’s effective integration of Jewish learning with the secular curriculum. Akiva is an accredited Thinking School where the children are taught to use thinking skills to become independent and creative learners.
Susy’s educational career includes four years as a French teacher and eight years as a parent governor at the JFS Jewish Secondary School. She has a Diploma in Special Needs and extensive experience as a Special Needs Coordinator. She has qualifications in counselling and mentoring and has successfully mentored heads and deputies within and beyond the Jewish community. She is an Ashdown Fellow and a Fellow of the Imperial War Museum, where she trained as a Holocaust educator.
Susy is a member of the Pikuach Steering Group and the Board of PaJeS. She is a Trustee of the Yavneh Schools’ Multi Academy Trust and a Governor of Yavneh College. She is Children’s Dance Consultant for the UK Israeli Dance Institute.