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Athens - Greece
February  27th - March 1st 2015

As a follow up from the 5th Meeting of Presidents, ECJC in partnership with JDC and Leatid, launched an initiative specially addressed to small communities’ leadership in order to create a space for reflection and discussion on the situation of smaller communities in the continent.


Small size communities have similar challenges, and there is no need to reinvent the wheel every time. So why not to share best practices and discuss common problems?




This special weekend retreat included discussions on the context of the smaller communities, external and internal factors which challenge the leadership of these communities, financial issues and sustainability of the smaller organisations, maximising the resources in order to cater for the needs of the affiliated members, and a space to share practises and create collaboration projects among the different communities.


This space was addressed to Presidents and Leadership of Jewish communities with less than 5000 members.


The encounter will include a series of training sessions on Fundraising which will be facilitated by Michael Novick, Executive Director for Strategic Development of JDC.



Click here to download the programme

of the seminar

A seminar addressed to Presidents and Directors of small Jewish Communities and organisations in Europe

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