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Prague - Czech Republic
18th -20th November 2018

ECJC gathered top leaders from all over Europe, representing almost every Jewish organisation to discuss, share and present their challenges in a common forum. The Summit, held in Prague, in November 2018, gathered over 200 Key Lay-leaders and Professionals: from Portugal to Russia, from Morocco to Finland, for an intensive couple of days. The representatives of all the Pan European organisations joined in a pioneering meeting with the goal of using ECJC as a broker platform for their own services, a confirmation of mutual collaboration, respect and acknowledgement of every different organisation.


This meeting was the largest meeting of European Jewish leadership on the continent and was the platform to exchange the best practices today and hold meaningful discussions. Today, more than ever, it is important to share our common experiences and define a common ground.


With the aim of giving some of the most distinguished European Leaders space to share their accomplishments with the whole European Jewish family, we invited some of the distinguished speakers from Europe, Israel and also US to present their cases and research, bringing new material for the discussion.

During this meeting, ECJC launched the celebration of its 50th anniversary. We presented the programmes for the year 2019, which frame themselves with all of the goals of ECJC, showcasing creativity and positive Jewish identity to the larger Community.


In 2018, ECJC  secured its own place the Board of the “Claims Conference” in NY representing Jewish Interests in Europe, and has created a working committee with the goal of Improving the Standard of Living and to guarantee the right support for Shoah Survivors in Europe. This committee was created with representatives from the different European organisations which deal directly with Shoah Survivors providing them social, medical, psychological or financial support, with the goal of counting with the different representatives from the field and build a representative unified European voice, giving also a stronger presence to the survivors themselves.


During 2018, the structure of the organisation has been working to improve its efficiency by utilising new software enabling cloud sharing files and major security in our database, after confirming we comply with the new GDPRS regulations.



Thanks for being part of the conversation. 270 key people, lay leaders and professionals taking into their own hands the challenge of the future for European Jewry.
We invite you to download the materials presented by Prof. Barry Kosmin and the Survey done by JDC ICCD.
We will be in touch very shortly with more material and outcomes from the summit


You are welcome to download the 4th Survey of European Jewish Leaders, held by JDC ICCD, which was presented in the Summit​
EJLS Survey Infographicimg.jpg



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