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Barcelona - Spain
June 2015

The conference Building Common Answers, held  in Barcelona June 28-29 - 2015, focused on facing the challenge of rising violent anti-Semitism and the subsequent need for crisis-preparedness and responsiveness from a perspective of community resilience.


Community resilience has been defined as a "strategy for promoting effective disaster readiness and response". The conference was addressed to Jewish community leaders, directors of organizations and programs. It continued discussions opened on the Think lab held in Yarnton Manor 2 years before.


With distinguished  speakers such as Rabbi Melchior , DOminique Moisi, Jonathan Arkush and Diana Pinto one of the key questions which sparked discussions was Is there a new normal for Jews in Europe after the Paris and the Copenhagen attacks?”. 

Click here to download the programme

of the summit

A seminar addressed to Presidents, Board Members, Directors and key professionals in European Jewish Organisations

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