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Aiming for Autonomy - Social Welfare 


A new conference presenting new challenges, intensive parallel seminars & spaces for peer learning

With life expectancy rising, health care is becoming critical to enjoying a better life, together with having interests and meaningful activities. How to aim for autonomy of the Seniors, whether they are still at home or in a residential home?


In addition to the general sessions, the seminar, will include a parallel seminar in Fundraising for Welfare Programmes, facilitated by Michael Novick, with 3 hands on sessions to get the directors the tools to be able to guarantee sustainability of their own future services, and also sessions on Supervision of Care Professionals & Volunteers, facilitated by Carolyn Bogush. Facilitated by Leatid Europe


By request of the participants, the seminar will include sessions on :


- Dementia - Innovative approaches

- Wellbeing: mental health, Special Needs families.

- Shoah survivors: Second Generation Programmes


Want to know more?


You can register now - Places are limited

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