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Aiming for Autonomy

With life expectancy rising, health care is becoming critical to enjoying a better life,

together with having interests and meaningful activities.
How to aim for autonomy of the Seniors,
whether they are still at home or in a residential home?


Funding Welfare and Wellbeing programmes- Special Seminar

With the diminishing funds available from communities and governments, how can we guarantee we still have funding to cater for the needs of our department?
A special Fundraising seminar will be held in parallel during the conference 

Supervision of Care Professionals

How to maximise the time of the supervision with professionals or
with volunteers from our departments.

How to avoid feeling burnt out?


Innovative approaches


Conference's other Topics

- Wellbeing: mental health, Special Needs families.

- Shoah survivors: Second Generation Programmes

Special Training sessions facilitated by
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Sunday 17 November

12.00 - Registration Opens

13.15 - Official Opening

Gabrielle Rosenstein, Chair SW Welfare ECJC & President VSJF, Switzerland
Mario Izcovich, Co Chair SW Welfare, Director of Pan European Programmes, JDC Europe
David Revcolevschi, Vice President ECJC & FSJU, France

13.45 - Meeting the Participants. Who are we?

14.15 - The Montessori Approach. Promoting autonomy with the elderly. The Concept

Aiming for Autonomy: Towards a new approach. Person centred and based on their capabilities.

Véronique Durand-Moleur, Executive Director AG&D France

15.15 - The Montessori Approach. Promoting autonomy with the elderly

Several experiences show that The Montessori Method, well-known for being used to engage children,                  has proven to also be a successful approach for caregivers of senior people with dementia.

by Romy Pikoos, Occupational Therapist, Jewish Care UK

16.15 - Coffee Break

16.45 - Workshop in groups
Putting the Montessori approach into practice – Experiential by groups

18.00 – Joining the World Day of Jewish Learning

What is the place in Judaism for carers?

by David Levin Kruss

18.15 - Parallel Sessions

A) Running the Donor Development Race - session 1 of 3

Get ready! How to prepare to Fundraise.

Preparing and Marketing your project to make it worthy of funding. This is part 1 of an intensive seminar consisting of 3 consecutive sessions. Only for pre-registered participants - you will need to attend all the 3 sessions.

Michael Novick, JDC

B) Holocaust Survivors & Mental Helath

This session will focus on the 1st Generation.


We'll be asking whether Holocaust Survivors' mental health differs from those who did not go through a traumatic experience in their lives. If so, how? PTSD, Depression?


How has such an experience affected survivors in their daily routine i.e. patterns of behaviour and whether those have been transferred onto their children (2nd Gen.) and... Is there a 3rd Gen.?

by Moshe Teller, Holocaust Survivor Center, Jewish Care, UK

C) Supporting Learning disabilities 

Preparing young adults with learning disabilities to be autonomous in the outside world. A collaborative workshop introducing person-centered approaches at Langdon and Kisharon. Participants will have the opportunity to test and try person-centered tools to improve work with people they are supporting, to ensure people with a learning disability have choice and control in their own lives.

Hadassa Kessler & Nicola Werner, Kisharon, UK

Helen Sowa, Alan Weinstock & David Peters, Langdon UK

D) Autonomy in the Old Age Home

     1. "The 4th Age Community Arts Centre Program", a prototype for developing and promoting community arts with seniors and institutionalized persons. Since its inception in 2009, the program began producing performances, showcasing them and through fellow artistic companies it was able to finance and pay for the performers (the Rosen residents) and for the scenography and collaborators.
In these 10 years around 90 residents were actively involved in this program.

Gaetano Perrotta, FEDROM, Bucharest, Romania
Radek Roule, Hagibor, Prague, Czech Republic

E) Intergenerational & Families Programmes
       1. The Single parenting Seminar: for the full participation of single mothers and fathers, for networking and better support in all everyday issues - A Short Presentation of the Project.
Ricarda Theiss, ZWST Frankfurt, Germany


       2.  Esther Pace, Il Pitigliani, Rome , Italy

       3. The Golden age camp - where the time and youth meet.

We will get to learn about the emblematic camp of the Bulgarian Jewish Community. During the one-week camp period, all kindergarten classes take place there. 

In 2018, they launched a project that brings seniors from the Community in the camp. In short, an all-ages-camp brings all groups together for an active and playful experience. 

Irena Damyanova & Elitsa Bunovska, Shalom, Bulgaria

19.45 - Dinner

19.45 - Running the Donor Development Race - session 2 of 3

Get set! Whom should we cultivate for fundraising?

To whom do you want to deliver these messages?
What do we mean when we talk about donor cultivation and why is it important to successful fundraising?

Only for pre-registered participants - you need to attend the 3 sessions.

Michael Novick, JDC

Monday 18 November

09.00 - Round Table

What can we learn from the French System in Social Welfare
Presentation by FSJU, Karene Fredj, CASIP & Emanuel Darmon, OSE
Moderated by Mario Izcovich, JDC Europe

10.30 - Groups Work - How do we respond to usual cases empowering autonomy?

Is Aiming for the Autonomy of our clients a change of the approach to our services?
From providing full solutions to empowering people to be autonomous
Is there anything we can transform in our organisations?
What can we transform? What can we achieve?

Mariano Schlimovich, Executive Director ECJC

11.30 - Conclusions

11.45 - Looking into the United Restitution Organisation (URO)

Introduction by Michael Blake, President ECJC

The presentation will precede the rolling out of a new Social Welfare fund - drawn from the residual monies of the United Restitution Organisation - for Holocaust refugees and survivors of German origin.

Presentation by Michael NewmanChief Executive AJR, UK

12.00 - Lunch

Peer Mentoring Programme.

Meet a colleague and get inspiration (with pre-registration)

13.30 -  Parallel Sessions 


A) Getting the best from your team - Part 1

Leatid Training session: Session addressed to Directors of services.
Setting clear expectations, managing performance and motivating your team.

This is part 1 of an intensive seminar consisting of 2 consecutive sessions. Only for pre-registered participants - you need to attend the 2 sessions.

Carolyn Bogush, UK

B) Day Care Experiences in London and St Petersburg
Hesed Avraam, St-Petersburg: Day Center for people living with Dementia. Pilot project.

Reasons and prerequisites for initiating of the project.
Special features of Day Center organization for people with dementia.
Issues of building comprehensive care for people with dementia and their relatives in Sant-Petersburg.

Tatiana Romashova, Hesed St Petersburg

Michelle Reshef, Jewish Care, UK 

C) Dad, I am not feeling very well today – The Inherited Legacy

This session focus will be on the 2nd Gen. 


The impact of the survivor's parent experience on their offspring. Are they allowed to suffer?

The 'transferable trauma' and how it manifests itself in 2nd and 3rd generations.

Participants will be invited to contribute from their professional and personal experience.

Mosher Teller, Holocaust Survivors Center, Jewish Care UK

D) Oops! Did I Really Say That?: Cultural Sensitivity in a Jewish Context

This class will share experiences and offer strategies for dealing with Jewish clients in an empathetic way.
David Levin Krus, Director of Jewish Education, JDC Europe


E) Empowering Financial Autonomy – The social Enterprise concept
Successful and innovative Examples – Kisharon & Langdon

A collaborative conversation with Kisharon and Langdon on successful social enterprise and supported employment models.
Hadassa Kessler & Nicola Werner, Kisharon, UK

Helen Sowa, Alan Weinstock & David Peters, Langdon UK

15.00 - Coffee Break

15.30 - Parallel Sessions 


A) Getting the best from your team - Part 2: Supervision for Professionals
Leatid Training session: Addressed to Directors of services

This is part 2 of an intensive seminar consisting of 2 consecutive sessions. Only for pre-registered participants - you need to attend the 2 sessions.

Carolyn Bogush, UK  


B) Is Autonomy a Jewish Concept?

Theoretical Background and Case Studies

Classic Judaism seems enthralled with obedience and conformity. Is this true? How might this mind-set affect Jewish clients?See how all of this gets expressed in two real case studies
David Levin Krus, Director of Jewish Education, JDC Europe


C) Social Welfare, Resilience and antisemitism:

A Resilience Center in Paris, What happened since 2015 ?

The resilience Center of OSE has been created after the attack of a Kosher grocery Hypercacher in 2015, with the establishment of a network of 40 psychiatrists and psychologists. We have two goals, taking care of victims of anti-Semitic attacks and preparing the Jewish Community to face any event . 

by Dr Aviva Meimoun and Eric GhozlanOSE France

D) “Being lonely and disconnected”

Loneliness is a feeling of sadness or distress about being by yourself or feeling disconnected from the world around you. It may be felt more over a long period of time. It is also possible to feel lonely, even when surrounded by people. In this session will think about Some reasons make older people might feel lonely or isolated. What we can do to prevent and reduce feeling lonely and disconnected.

Ewa Spaczinska, Director SW Poland

E) Social agriculture: sustainable inclusion laboratory for people with disabilities: Research

Social agriculture promotes an inclusive culture and provides for the recognition of human dignity, in all its expressions, and the ability to seize in diversity creative opportunities and a constructive challenge for development.
We will look into a pioneering way of dealing with people with disabilities and examine an interesting research on how this model works.

Daniela Pavoncello, INAPP, Italy

17.00 - Coffee Break

17.30 - Parallel Sessions

A) Running the Donor Development Race - session 3 of 3

Go! What are the most effective ways to solicit funds?

What solicitation skills and strategies should be used to most effectively deliver these messages? 

And what steps should be followed after meeting with donors and prospective donors?

Only for pre-registered participants - you need to attend the 3 sessions.

Michael Novick, JDC


B) Choice, Control, Opportunity & Hope - Mental Health

Everyone’s experience of mental illness is different. JAMI provides practical and emotional support for everyone affected by a mental health problem, the person with the diagnosis, friend, relative or employer.

Mental health recovery doesn’t always refer to the process of complete recovery in the way we may recover from a physical health problem. Come and hear how our social workers and occupational therapists support people to recover and maintain their independence and our peer support workers use their own lived experience of mental ill health to reinforce this message, offering hope and social inclusion.

by Louise Kermode, Head of Services, JAMI UK

C) Extending our services - Successful Programmes dealing with Refugees & Immigrants

Presentations by: 

Gabrielle RosensteinVSJF Switzerland

Dr Giorgio MortaraUCEI, Italy

D) Methods for enhancing the autonomy of persons with disabilities and of persons with other difficulties which may limit their autonomy

This session will focus on methods which could enhance the autonomy of persons coping with difficulties which may limit their autonomy. Ways to enhance the individual’s self-management of the illness or disability will be presented as well as an approach which supports positive risk taking and the reduction of negative risk taking as a mean for enhancing one’s autonomy.  In addition, guiding principles of the ways in which families and organizations could change their ways of functioning to support individuals’ autonomy will be discussed as well as ethical dilemmas involved in implementing methods supporting the enhancement of autonomy. 

Prof Ron Shor, Israel

E) Autonomy in the Old Age Home

"The 4th Age Community Arts Centre Program", a prototype for developing and promoting community arts with seniors and institutionalized persons. Since its inception in 2009, the

program began producing performances, showcasing them and through fellow artistic companies it was able to finance and pay for the performers (the Rosen residents) and for the scenography and collaborators.
In these 10 years around 90 residents were actively involved in this program.

Gaetano Perrotta, FEDROM, Bucharest, Romania

18.45 – The magic 15 minutes - OPEN SPACE – Plenary Room
Do you need a partner to apply for EU Funding?
Is there any programme you need help or support?
Did you want to hear more about any of your colleagues?
Are you looking for someone to give you ideas?
Come. This is the chance

Mariano Schlimovich

Free time – Kosher Meal bags available 

Tuesday 19 November

08.30 - Departure to visits


1. Daycare Edith-Kremsdorf - by OSE
The Edith-Kremsdorf day care center offers cognitive stimulation workshops and individualized support for people aged 60 and over, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, in an environment adapted to their needs. It also supports families and can accommodate 25 people a day.The center offers original formulas of respite to the families, especially through therapeutic holiday stays. These stays help to keep the elderly in a stimulating atmosphere during the holidays which helps them to rest.​


2. Café des Psaumes - by OSE
At the heart of Jewish Paris, at the crossroads of generations, the OSE animates the first associative social café for seniors, the intergenerational link and the entire community. A place of conviviality, exchange, remembrance and projects, the Café des Psaumes welcomes the public every day (except Saturdays) and offers many activities .It meets the needs shared by the City of Paris and foundations such as the Foundation for the Memory of the Holocaust: on the one hand, the isolation of the elderly in Paris, particularly in the community, and on the other hand, the desire to preserve what can be the Jewish soul of the rue des Rosiers. As a gateway to the social services of the association, this community café is open to all the elderly in the community during the day and is open to all, evenings and Sundays for conferences or concerts.​



Recently inaugurated resource platform which offers multi-service support to people with disabilities and their carers.

OSE in partnership with the Center for Protestant Social Action offers in this service, assistance to homeless families,.

Its mission is to protect children and to help his family in the respect of the parental authority and the best interest of the child offering Family counseling, educational support and is a place for parents and children which welcomes children from 0 to 6 years old to promote learning and exchange between children and parents, addressed to homeless population and migrants.


5. Lev Tov Grocery Store – Montreuil
FSJU Established nearly 15 years ago, Lev Tov’s mission is to help the poorest families based in France and Israel. This support materializes every day through many actions directed at children, people with disabilities and all people in difficulty. Thanks to the generosity of its donors, Lev Tov redistributes all the funds collected in the form of clothing, financial aid, food baskets, equipment for disabled children, toys Driven by solidarity, human and altruistic values, incorporating a principle of urgency, their team is composed entirely of volunteers and has no operating costs.

11.30 - General Group - Conclusions from the Conference

12.30 - Light Lunch and End of the Conference

Conference Organising Committee


​Gabrielle Rosenstein, VSJF - Switzerland

Andree Katz, FSJU - France

Sandrine Zena, FSJU - France

Rachel Guez, CASIP COJASOR - France
Karene Fredj, CASIP COJASOR - France
Patricia Sitruk, OSE - France

Amos Waintrater, OSE - France

Marina Astanovskaja, JDC Europe Welfare, Estonia

Welfare, Latvia
Mario Izcovich, JDC Europe
Eddie Moissis, ECJC

Mariano Schlimovich, ECJC

Michael Blake, ECJC

Registration Fees - Early Bird Prices till Oct 10th

ECJC Affiliated

€ 400


2 nights in 4-star Hotel

2 meals / day

Access to all sessions

ECJC Non Affiliated

€ 575


2 nights in 4-star Hotel

2 meals / day

Access to all sessions

Local Participant

€ 150


No Accommodation

2 meals / day

Access to all sessions

Registration Fees - Prices from Oct 11th

ECJC Affiliated

€ 450


2 nights in 4-star Hotel

2 meals / day

Access to all sessions

ECJC Non Affiliated

€ 625


2 nights in 4-star Hotel

2 meals / day

Access to all sessions

Local Participant

€ 175


No Accommodation

2 meals / day

Access to all sessions

Cancellation Policy

In the event that you cancel your booking/order, cancellation fees will be charged as detailed below.

All cancellations must be confirmed to us in writing at and you will receive a written acknowledgement.

We will process then a refund of the amount paid

discounting the fee according the date



Till September 20th - 75% refund

Till October 1st - 50% refund

From October 25th - NO REFUND


Places will be allocated first come first served

Registration Fees - Early Bird Prices till Oct 2nd

Confirmed Speakers 


Michael Novick has served as executive director for strategic development of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) since 1999. His primary responsibilities include developing strategic partnerships between JDC and US Jewish communities, as well as donor directed giving opportunities.

Prior to assuming his current position, Michael served in Jewish Federations over a period of 24 years. Before joining JDC, he served as executive vice president of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle. Michael received a MSW from the University of Maryland and MA in Jewish History from Baltimore Hebrew College. He received a BS in sociology from the University of Houston.


Carolyn is an experienced Chartered Occupational Psychologist with twenty years’ consulting experience, working with individuals and teams in a broad range of organizations, from hospitality to finance, charities to FMCG, and media to telecommunications.  

Her core expertise is in identifying and developing talent, executive assessment and leadership development.  Carolyn particularly enjoys supporting and coaching individuals to reach their potential and lead their teams more effectively. 


 Prof. Ro Shor, is the Head of the Ralph Goldman Center for Judaism, Social Welfare and Ethics at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

He is also the academic head of the Nonprofit Management and Leadership MA program,  the Rothberg International School. 

His main research areas include research on  the social inclusion of persons with disabilities and their families and research on the integration between religion and social welfare services.  

Véronique DURAND-MOLEUR , Executive Director AG&D France


Véronique Durand Moleur, is the Executive Director of AG&D France, and after a professional career in Human Resources departments, created with 3 partners the website in the 90s before taking over the management of AG&D in 2011 and concretizes the partnership with Professor Cameron.

AG&D France specialises in the implementation of the Montessori Method adapted in Europe in Spaces for Seniors, based on the philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori and exclusively on the development work of Professor Cameron Camp (American neuropsychologist).

Romy Pikoos - Jewish Care, UK


Romy Pikoos is a dementia specialist Occupational Therapist from Australia, working now for Jewish Care. She has worked with people living with dementia for 10 years; 7 of those in London - supporting them and their carers to manage the changes to ensure that they still live a purposeful and meaningful life.

In 2017 she was fortunate to train in France under Dr Cameron Camp; the pioneer behind Montessori methods for dementia. Since then she has trained over 150 colleagues and is constantly developing new material  as they implement this approach into Jewish Care homes. Romy is passionate about improving the quality of care and lives of older people including those with dementia, and believes that Montessori is the way forward for aged care.


Moshe Teller , from the Holocaust Survivors Centre, Jewish Care UK is an art therapist and specialist from Jewish Care, a Centre for Holocaust Survivors in London. He studied art in Israel and England. Since 1988 he has been working in the area of care focusing on mental health and the Holocaust.

David Levin-Krus.png

"Judaism is a technology that makes the world better," says Rabbi David Levin-Kruss, Jewish Education Director for JDC-Europe, which supports European Jews in finding their Jewish voice. David loves text-life interplay. Prior to JDC, DLK taught at Pardes, directed the overseas department at Melitz, and was community director of Stanmore Synagogue. David has a BA from Hebrew University in Jewish Philosophy and English and served in the IDF Spokesman's Unit.

Cancellation Policy

In the event that you cancel your booking/order, cancellation fees will be charged as detailed below.

All cancellations must be confirmed to us in writing at and you will receive a written acknowledgement.

We will process then a refund of the amount paid

discounting the fee according the date



Till September 20th - 75% refund

Till October 1st - 50% refund

From October 25th - NO REFUND


Places will be allocated first come first served

Michael Novick

Carolyn Bogush

Prof Ron Shor - The Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare

Moshe Teller - Jewish Care, UK

Rabbi David Levin-Krus - Director of Jewish Education, JDC Europe

Registration Form

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