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All of our work is based on our belief that continued success is integral to the future of the Jewish People.

We are dedicated to offer programmes as gathering places, where people of all ages

and from all walks of Jewish life, can meet, more inspired by their Jewish heritage

and more connected to their communities and to one another.

Community Building & Jewish Community Centres

The European Council of Jewish Communities participated in the Conferences of Jewish Community Centres in 2003 and 2006.


In 2014, ECJC supported the European Association of Jewish Community Centres (EAJCC) for its Fifth Pan European Conference of Jewish Community Centres, and is currently in the process of revitalising the European Association of Jewish Community Centers, understanding that the different JCCs in Europe are an important focus of Jewish life and, in many cities, the JCC's are the ones leading the revitalising of the community.

Past Programmes
Developing the Social Capital of JCCs
Rome, Italy - December 2016

© 2024  - ECJC - European Council of Jewish Communities

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