ECJC is proudly delivering programmes in the following tracks and fields of action. See below details on the programmes
Social Welfare
From Training professionals to helping organisations strategise their services. Active Ageing, Services to Shoah Survivors and Special Needs Children
Social welfare is a multi facetted key issue in Europe today covering among other subjects: migrants, old age, disabilities, inherited diseases, child wellbeing, home care, voluntarism, end of life and palliative care, Shoah Survivors and services management.
needs and learning disabilities.
ECJC provides the opportunity for every Jewish community in Europe to act with solidarity and responsibility and to ensure that fellow Jews in Europe will never be denied the most basic rights: to leave in times of war, or to receive food supplies, care and medical treatment in dire economic crises such as in 1995 in Ukraine or in 1997 in Bulgaria.
Our social welfare track leadership has seen that professional and volunteer exchanges build cooperation, promote consideration of alternate styles of solution-finding, provide avenues for professional development and will ensure that social and welfare services retain Jewish values and ethics.
Networking encounters and cross denominational / cross network training seminars on issues relevant to the different levels
Our objective is to help our affiliates explore common issues such as improving standards of education, teacher training methodologies, enriching curricula, student exchanges and broadening the vision of Jewish education policy. We bring Jewish Educators together, in an attempt to share practices that have proven successful and enable as many of our affiliates as possible to improve the education they provide to their youngsters while saving on research and uncertain strategies
The cornerstone of our Education programmes is Arachim. The conferences usually include training seminars and workshops, stimulating community educational strategists and directors, foundations supportive of education, teachers, informal educators or youth workers in order to approach educational themes creatively, develop new technical skills and exchange curricula and programming ideas.
Culture & Heritage
Empowering communities to benefit from their local heritage, preserving and showcasing the rich Jewish Heritage all over Europe.
Youth & Sports
Trainings for Camp Responsibles- Outreach & Summer Volunteering Programmes. A wider network of contacts.
Communities have to take charge of their own future. In a constantly changing civil environment, we have identified that engaging the young members of the communities is a real challenge for their leadership. We are determined to continue creating quality programmes for the youth in an attempt to help them develop personal skills that will help them both in the communal and private lives.
Community Development & JCCs
New models of Communities. Programmes with no walls, Virtual Communities. Trainings to JCCs professionals.
Professional Development
Forum of Directors a unique space for key professionals in Jewish Community organisations.
Layleaders Networking
Meeting of Presidents & General Assemblies are the spaces for peers to network, and facilitate the exchange of best practises in the field.
Creating a strong network of different organisations and communities has always been one of ECJC's top priorities. Our mission is to assure the Jewish future for our people, help preserve and celebrate our rich Jewish heritage, cultivate Jewish values and Jewish life in our communities and create and maintain a sense of neighbourhood by providing sense of fellowship for individuals, families, organisations and the general community.
The ECJC offers a platform for every Pan-European Jewish organisation that shares its objectives and goals, to share their expertise and foster collaboration amongst peers.
Committees' and Board Meetings
Representativity and Constant communication enable ECJC to bring relevant programmes answering the real needs from the field
ECJC General Assembly
Our biannual event which gathers all ECJC affiliated organisations to discuss the direction of the organisation. The location of the General Assembly rotates among communities to enable delegates and the host community to experience different local cultures and traditions while reinforcing our common heritage.